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Business Plan?

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

I've received a number of calls lately from our reps asking for reports. The conversation goes one of the two ways:

Conversation #1

Mr. Rep: "My manufacturers want to know what jobs we did last year and what our business plan is for them in 2020."

Me: "Great! Well, you have lots of information in ISQuote! You know you can run numerous reports that can pull just about any job information that you want. How about the newest Job Matrix Report? This report will show you every job, what manufacturers were quoted, the spec status, architect, engineer salesperson and more!"

Mr. Rep: "Love it!"

Me: "Additionally, there is the Job Mfg Won/Loss report. This report will show you that hard information on Won/Loss by each manufacturer, estimated mfg value, spec status, etc.. You can even send them a list of every item you have quoted. This can help with future trends."

Mr. Rep: "That's great! Since we started using ISQuote Job Tracking our team has been diligent in recording information on those big jobs. This is going to make my manufacturers very happy to see actual data and make writing my annual report and business plan quick and easy!"

Me: "I'm happy to hear that. Since these types of reports have come from your peers they really do give you what you need as a manufacturer's rep! All the best to you in 2020!"

Conversation #2

Mr. Rep: "My manufacturers want to know what jobs we did last year and what our business plan is for them for 2020."

Me: "Great! Well, you have lots of information in ISQuote! You know you can run numerous reports that can pull just about any job information that you want. How about the newest Job Matrix Report? This report will show you every job, what manufacturers were quoted, the spec status, architect, engineer salesperson and more!"

Mr. Rep: "Well what if I don't put that information in?"

Me: ....silence


Over and over I hear how valuable information can be to you and your manufacturers. Our reps are the ones who have really designed ISQuote and and told us what is needed. Our team here at ISQuote continues to listen and add the features that will help. What was good for a rep a few years ago may be totally different today. The industry practices change, your manufacturers are probably requiring more from you and technology changes can be a double-edge sword.

So we work hard to provide the tools you need to properly quote and track your projects. However, like any software it does not work all by itself. No data in - no data out, and when the start of the new year rolls around some have found that they have been missing out on valuable tools at their finger tips.

This is a good time to recap your practices from last year.

1. What information do you wish you had?

2. Are you giving good direction to your team?

3. Have you asked for a review from us?

A good start would be to list out information that is important to you. Is it job contacts such as architect or engineer, general contractor? Maybe the spec status - was your manufacturer specified or did you have to get prior approval? What about won/loss and the dollar value?

Whatever it is, identify it, record it and start tracking by running monthly reports. This provides you with a good task follow up list! Come this time next year, you'll have to figure out what you will do with your extra time!

All the best "ISQuote Practices" for 2020! Kim, Lucy Pickle & the ISQuote Team


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